Key figures, data and facts

The most important key figures, data and facts about Sindelfingen as a business location at a glance.

Residents and visitors

Number of inhabitants64,305 (as of November 2022)
Total urban area5,085 ha (as of 2018)
Average age43.2 years (as of 2018)
Number of households30,637 (as of 2017)
Schoolchildren7,670 students at 27 schools (2017/2018)
Number of tourist accomodations32 (as of 12/2022)
Number of hotel beds3,533 (as of 12/2022)
Number of overnight stays422,555 (as of 2022)
Number of arrivals138,923 (as of 2022)
Average length of stay3.0 days (as of 2022)
Nationalities118 (as of 2010)
Twin towns Chelm (Poland)
Corbeil-Essonnes (France)
Dronfield (Great Britain)
Györ (Hungary)
Schaffhausen (Switzerland)
Sondrio (Italy)
Torgau (Germany/Saxony)
International associations67

Details: Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office

Mann misst an Fräse Werkstück

Labour market

Employees subject to social security contributions56,290
Unemployment rate as of 12/20223,5 %
Incoming commuters from over the municipal boundary46,210
Outgoing commuters leaving over the municipal boundary 17,037

Details: State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg (as of 06/2021) and Federal Employment Agency (as of 12/2022)

Retail indicators

Retail purchasing power in million euros495,87
Retail purchasing power in euros per capita7,595
Retail purchasing power index (D = 100)104.3
Retail sales in million euros704,52
Retail sales in euros per capita10,791
Sales revenue code (D = 100)180.7
Centrality index (D = 100)172.3

Details: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Region Stuttgart, as of 01.01.2022

Kundenberatung Firma Sportklotz Skistiefel


  • A 81 / four motorway connections
  • 251 km of bus network
  • 62 buses
  • 27 bus lines
  • 349 bus stops
  • 3 tram lines

Details: Urban transport Böblingen/Sindelfingen as of 2019/2020