Key figures, data and facts
The most important key figures, data and facts about Sindelfingen as a business location at a glance.
Residents and visitors
Number of inhabitants | 64,305 (as of November 2022) |
Total urban area | 5,085 ha (as of 2018) |
Average age | 43.2 years (as of 2018) |
Number of households | 30,637 (as of 2017) |
Schoolchildren | 7,670 students at 27 schools (2017/2018) |
Number of tourist accomodations | 32 (as of 12/2022) |
Number of hotel beds | 3,533 (as of 12/2022) |
Number of overnight stays | 422,555 (as of 2022) |
Number of arrivals | 138,923 (as of 2022) |
Average length of stay | 3.0 days (as of 2022) |
Nationalities | 118 (as of 2010) |
Twin towns | Chelm (Poland) Corbeil-Essonnes (France) Dronfield (Great Britain) Györ (Hungary) Schaffhausen (Switzerland) Sondrio (Italy) Torgau (Germany/Saxony) |
International associations | 67 |
Details: Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office
Labour market
Employees subject to social security contributions | 56,290 |
Unemployment rate as of 12/2022 | 3,5 % |
Incoming commuters from over the municipal boundary | 46,210 |
Outgoing commuters leaving over the municipal boundary | 17,037 |
Details: State Statistical Office of Baden-Württemberg (as of 06/2021) and Federal Employment Agency (as of 12/2022)
Retail indicators
Retail purchasing power in million euros | 495,87 |
Retail purchasing power in euros per capita | 7,595 |
Retail purchasing power index (D = 100) | 104.3 |
Retail sales in million euros | 704,52 |
Retail sales in euros per capita | 10,791 |
Sales revenue code (D = 100) | 180.7 |
Centrality index (D = 100) | 172.3 |
Details: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Region Stuttgart, as of 01.01.2022
- A 81 / four motorway connections
- 251 km of bus network
- 62 buses
- 27 bus lines
- 349 bus stops
- 3 tram lines
Details: Urban transport Böblingen/Sindelfingen as of 2019/2020